分卷阅读5 (第2/2页)
her tongue,是曲作写给他妻子的。哪怕他们最后还是离婚了,这首歌也十分美好。兰琤在飞机上这么对楚沨说,他说有一天他若是表白也要对他喜欢的人唱这首歌。 I didn't see it ing 对于未来我一无所知 But I never really had much faith In the universe's magic 而宇宙万物的魔力 我也从未有过真正的虔诚 Till it pulled us to that time and pce 直至它加速我们的分崩离析 ………… I know you know me,you don't have to show me 不必告诉我你对我知根知底,我们心有灵犀 I,I feel you're lonely ,o expin 不必多言,我也对你的孤单感同身受 So don't say you love me; fa,amo 所以也不用将爱意言表 Just let your heart speak up, and I'll know 我会聆听你的心 No amount of words could ever find a way to make sense of this 再多华丽的辞藻也无法描绘我对你的深情 So I wanna hear your mother tongue 只想聆听一句耳边的嘤咛 So don't say you love me fa, amo 所以也不必将爱意言表 Just let your heart speak up, and I'll know 心所向,我已了然 No amount of words could ever find a way to make sense of this 再多华丽的辞藻也无法描绘我对你的深情 So I wanna hear your mother tonque 让我为你的本心所倾 …… 楚沨在台下看着,世界仿佛被人按下了静音,黑暗中只剩兰琤在舞台上演唱的身影,只剩下兰琤富有感染力的歌声。 他是在向我表白吗?楚沨想,内心却已经有了答案,他望着台上光芒四射的人,较之anzi也毫不逊色。如果他向我表