分卷阅读4 (第1/2页)
冲动,想要告诉他那通电话的事,告诉他为什么我大学肄业,告诉他为什么我常常自怨自艾 话到嘴边,还是不知怎么开头。或许他会觉得无关紧要,觉得我很傻,或许他根本不屑知道我的秘密。 诶。徘徊在嘴边的许多话语,最终,化为了一个字和一个笑。 ☆、四 不是朋友 作者有话要说: 前半段背景音乐: quot;Marble Hallsquot; - Enya I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls with vassals and serfs at my side, and of all who assembled within those walls that I was the hope and the pride. I had riches all too great to t and a high aral name. But I also dreamt which pleased me most that you loved me still the same, that you loved me you loved me still the same, that you loved me you loved me still the same. I dreamt that suitors sought my hand, that knights upon bended knee and with vows no maide could withstand, they pledged their faith to me. And I dreamt that one of that noble host came forth my hand to cim. But I also dreamt which charmed me most that you loved me still the same that you loved me you loved me still the same, that you loved me you loved me still the same. 四 不是朋友 我们的第一次吵架无疾而终,真是可喜可贺。深心里有些懊恼自己没能和他赔个不是,毕竟事情缘由在我。但每回话到嘴边,就是说不出来。总想借着每晚帮他擦药的时候说些话调解气氛,但也是绞尽脑汁,比高中的命题作文还难出产。 估计再搽几天,这青就能褪了。一整瓶红花油用掉大半,也搽得够久了;再不见效,我该去索赔了。这里痛是不是?我按到那处的时候,钟垒忽然浑身泛汗,脸色涨红的,问他是不是痛,他又不吱声,再没揉几下,他翻起身,推开我的手就